Thursday, November 10, 2016

We The Minorities - What To Do Now.

On November 8th, 2016, a reality television star was elected to be the president of my country by losing the popular vote and wining the electoral. I also turned twenty-five. The disgust I feel for the anti-intellectualism, fear-mongering bigots I always knew existed - but hoped were limited to places like my hometown- reached a new apex and will surpass every other memory I have of my birthday.
Never in my life have I related so much to Lion Kings “Scar” who was surrounded by idiots as I do right now. People like the geniuses from my hometown who think this man is fighting for the common “work-boot American who ain’t got no food stamps like them lazy damn liberals” are going to eventually face the music when they realize he’s only concerned about smooth-handed men in pricey leather work-loafers and Rolex. An overwhelming number of liberals are actually wealthy and employed, by the way, good ole boys.

Violence is already breaking out against minorities, and people like me who are disabled don’t know how much longer we’ll have healthcare. People like me who are Jewish are seeing swastikas on storefronts along with the new presidents’ name – and they aren’t being ironic. Muslims who were born and raised here are worried to worship freely. Legal Mexican immigrants (and anyone who looks like they MIGHT be Hispanic) are being verbally attacked where they work. I hope they spit in your food and drug your margarita.
 Last summer, gays were granted the right to marry nation-wide, and they are afraid to lose that.  Women are concerned about losing access to birth control and reproductive rights in general while someone who has been inappropriate with and about his own daughter heads straight for the White House. This week we found out that most of white America doesn't care about women, including other women. 

I listen to a police scanner at night and can hear scanners from all over the country; if you’re horrified, you should be. But what do we do now? The first thing, is accept that he won and people who agree with his rhetoric are on a power-trip. Who you voted for no longer matters. Start giving to charities like planned parenthood, LGBT+ crisis centers, and environmental protection agencies. Also important is to stop the idealistic thinking that “we are all in this together.” No, we are not. We are divided for a reason. These aren’t just people who “say mean things,” these are people are happy for the fear of other Americans. These are white nationalists pretending to be republicans.  Stop falling for one-liners. And for all the “I hope he’s a good president, wanting him to fail is like sinking a ship we’re all on” nonsense is making me lose even more respect for the common mind. If he fails his supporters, the ship doesn’t sink. He’s failed a lot, so there’s hope. But his rhetoric is to fail- and I mean destroy - America. Because it would be entertaining.

 Know your rights, and defend them. Defend others. Get a camera - not just your phone - and photograph. Write this story. It's one we're writing together. If you’re disabled, be sure your concerns are known to your doctor. If you take medication, see if you can get several months of refills incase the worst happens and we lose our health care or incomes. If you are any minority – especially racial or religious – and you trust yourself with a  gun, BUY ONE. And ammunition. Go to firing ranges.  Not only to protect yourself, but because when the NRA sees large groups of minorities stocking up, the avid hateful rednecks might calm down and stop threatening us.

The time to educate the people who elected and are defending this man is over. Believe me. They refused to be educated over the last eight years that they rejected Obama – who turned Yes We Can into Yes We Did – and they are demanding our unwavering friendships and to “respect their opinions.” We are not casting opinions about whether Lady Gaga’s new album sucks or not (it doesn’t.)  We are casting opinions about whether human beings deserve to be treated like human beings, even if they are Hispanic, Black, Muslim, Jewish, Disabled, Female, Gay, Trans, or any form of Queer. You don’t threaten to take the right to marry away from someone and then tell them to “respect your opinion.” What you do, if you’re going to hold such a backward opinion, is accept that you are not entitled to friendship and people are entitled to see you for what you are and distance themselves. You don’t put someone in a cage for looking different from you and then tell them to “grow up and respect different opinions.”
That’s not how it works. 
And remember, patriotism is loyalty to real-estate; you do not have to stay in America. I married a Canadian so while that would be the easiest option for MY family, there is a whole world out there and yet again, fools seem to think planes and passports are things of fiction.

Be vigilant and stick together, but do not feel like a bigot is entitled to your friendship or support. They have spoken. And now it’s our turn; not in four years. If we went from gay marriage being legalized to electing a homophobe in a little over a year, the next election is too late. So, come out of your panic, and think clearly always. 

Dizzy - horror author, affiliated with neither political party, Autistic Jewish mother. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

It's a Game

In my two-and-a-half years married and two and a half decades of observing interactions around me, I've taken notice that marriage begins with an illusion. For some of us it's a vague or even toxic concept of love, and for others it's a fabricated bliss that is the umbrella of adulthood. Every person has a concept of the people they interact with, and that concept is not always realistic.
My husband mentioned marriage very early into the relationship, and not just in response to my long-term goals of creating a family. He must have liked something about me. Something beyond the "*beautiful*, *smart*, and *funny*" lie of a description that men give all women regardless of how true it is (because many people are none of those things and happily wedded off.) There had to be something about me to prompt a guy in his late twenties, with virtually no prior long-term relationship experience, to begin referring to me as his fiancée several months into the relationship, a time which half was spent thousands of miles apart. My own motives were loud and clear: I wanted a family with a man who had a job, car, and high level of intelligence. Never had I dated for "fun" and I had several three-year-plus relationships in my past by age 21, when we met. He seemingly met all the requirements, plus he was working on a Masters degree and had traveled. I couldn't find a problem.

I can only speculate what he saw in me. His motives are rarely straightforward and rarely is he self-aware of them. But I can imagine that he thought being married to me would be more "*quirk*" and less "*jerk*." A common mistake is assuming that an eccentric person is live-in entertainment and whimsy, especially if they are on the autistic spectrum, and I am. Maybe he thought I wouldn't be changed by motherhood. Maybe he thought I was smart
, not realizing that our forms of intelligence are very different. *we* are very different. Maybe he thought I would complete him.

We don't like the same food or music, he is obsessed with sports and works in a social environment while I'm obsessed with serial killers and don't leave the house for days. I sell paintings for extra money, and he can't draw. He values tradition, I mock it. I seek to improve upon everything, which makes me sound like I'm being very critical, and he is highly sensitive to criticism (or even just lack of praise.) He isn't interested in anything I go on and on about and has not read any of my books, so he doesn't know anything about half of my life, yet I'm the kind of spouse that seeks understanding.
There is only one common interest we have, and that is our daughter. We agree on most aspects of parenting but, as usual, he's more conventional and I reject social norms. And I need to be heard out as to why. He is not big on listening to me.
He's a fun parent, I'm a bit stern. By now you probably realize he is day and I am night.
Our daughter is our common interest, but we do have another commonality, and that is that we write. But our topics, styles, and literally every aspect of what we write and why is entirely different. What we write about and the fact that we do share that aspect and ability is a fairly good representation of us as a couple.
"We both write, but one writes sports articles that are shared online for college sports fans to see immediately. The other one writes long horror trilogies for crime sleuths and sad people." And that is my husband and me.

In areas where one of us is clueless, the other is likely in the know. If we're both clueless, we're both resourceful. If we could communicate, we would probably be a great team.
In the wake of many fights, betrayal, and several separations, I'm trying to remember why he married me. It's not as if I don't have good qualities or that I hid the "bad" ones - the latter probably made me interesting until it made me difficult.
My "bad" qualities that have been brought up are character traits my husband openly says he hopes our daughter acquires. It's entirely subconscious and he has no response when I mention it. It seems the traits that make for an unhinged wife also make for a fun kid.
The things he saw that were good were real, as are the bad, but the bad blinds us if we let it. Just like the good did in the beginning.

How can we make this work? It's very simple. We can choose to look, listen, and be truthful. Without paying attention to what is happening with each other, walls and conflict inevitably arise. If we don't listen to each others words, we are directly showing that we don't care, so we have to shut to and listen and clarify. Lying is for enemies, not best friends. We wouldn't ignore our daughter if she felt badly. We shouldn't ignore our spouse, either.
It's more complicated than just being aware and honest, but that's the foundation. We weren't given good examples to follow for marriage, and that was out of our control, but what happens in *our* marriage is our choice. So far, the choices I have witnessed have been self-serving if not outright hateful. My marriage feels like a 90's RnB breakup song. I did not sign up for that. I want a sappy, poetic love song. And that's what I'm going to continue to seek - and I'm not going to beg for it.
I made mistakes. Plenty. But I was honest and real and raw and that was taken full advantage of by someone who I thought was my soul mate. And if he really is my soul mate, he needs to step up to that plate before the game is over.
As I sit in a pile of his laundry that I don't know for certain is clean or dirty, exhausted, feeling like an overdrawn bank account, I can't help but think he wants the game to end.

Monday, April 4, 2016

What You Didn't Understand About "The VVitch"

I finally saw "The VVitch" in theaters yesterday and I thought it was fantastic. Many people did not. Many people have made claims that it "made no sense" and that it "wasn't scary." There are a lot of folkloric (the movie is called "A New England Folktale," people) bits that were indeed believed to be the truth of witches and witchcraft by Puritans. Witches and witchcraft do and always have existed and there's always a disturbing line between truth and fiction when it comes to witches, particularly traditional witches (non-Wiccan) and whether or not we choose to use shadows in our craft. Indeed, at the time, any woman could be deemed a witch for speaking out or having an opinion at all. 

Thomasin is the central character, a teenaged Puritan girl who deeply wants to be loved by God and who has some resentment for her fathers pride casting them into the wilderness. Thomasin doesn't make her own decisions. She is not "the witch" that is causing so many bad things to quickly happen to the family because there is no singular "Witch" in the film, there are many, and they all work in tandem with Lucifer (not someone witches have ever actually revered but were and are still feared to) in hopes of freeing Thomasin from her Puritanical Hell. She does not begin the film as a witch and she loves her family. 

The family infant Samuel was taken under Thomasin's watch during a simple peekaboo game. Anyone who saw the trailer knows this. What follows is actually very disturbing, and many movie-goers did not realize how disturbing his demise actually is. The witch that is shown during this part is older, and blood of an infant was thought to be used to keep witches young (and many women who were pretty or young looking for their age in the times of the film were accused of using baby blood and then burned as witches.) The woman on screen doesn't cut the infant for a little blood for a ritual; she's seen grinding something (him, but not many caught that) up for all of his blood, and probably fat. She is seen rubbing it across herself and what appears to be a staff in front of the Full Moon. 
Why the staff? Well, the idea of witches flying on broomsticks didn't start with a cute beginning. Blood and fat of children and infants were thought to be used as lubricants for witches to vaginally take in certain hallucinogens via masturbating. "Flying high on a broom stick" has never been literal. 

There are many familiars in this movie. A familiar spirit, to witches, is someone who helps them on their path and in their craft and is very real. The rabbit in this movie plays a huge role in the symbolism and actual demise of at least one character. Rabbits do and always have symbolized sex and fertility and the feminine, which are the qualities that scare the shit out of this Puritan family about Thomasin. Her younger brother, Caleb, specifically has issues not leering at Thomasin, and not because he is a pervert, but because he is repressed and around no other young but developed females. The rabbit leads the boy and father deep into the woods, where the father injures himself (a minor injury but hit to the ego) in an attempt to kill it for food. Caleb chases it once more when he and Thomasin are in the woods together, after hearing tales about the red apples his mother and sister desired from back home, and he meets his own desire - a young, beautiful witch who kisses him on the mouth, cursing him. Puritans believed desire and temptation were only harmful to those who were not purse of heart, leaving them open to curses such as these. 
Thomasin's sexuality, and his, lead to his death after regurgitating the apple of the curse. From one side, it's because he was not pure of thought, Thomasin (and the mother) could not let go of the fanciful desires of England, which Caleb doesn't remember, leaving him open to the curse of a witch. From another side, the family desire to rid themselves of Thomasin and her scary sexuality leave them with another dead child.

The Raven doesn't seem to show up quite as much, but is another familiar, or better yet, an omen of death. The main role of the raven in this movie is that grief-stricken Katherine, the mother of the family, seems to hallucinate the return of her youngest and eldest son, but "Caleb" (dead from the curse after purging the apple) tells her not to tell father as the baby begins to cry. The mother did as mothers do, and take the baby to feed at her breast. 
There is no baby. She's breastfeeding a raven or, better yet, the raven is pecking her nipple off, adding perversion to and destroying the very life-sustaining force the mother has. This familiar of death, and this omen, takes the very milk meant for the baby - a life force. If that isn't disturbing and foretelling, not much could ever be. Katherine's mind is officially gone, and in her grief and loss of faith, she's lost every ounce left of her mind. 

The twins are the ones who really take Thomasin's joking threats to their full force by repeating what she had said, and there was very little such nonsense as "playing around" about witches (or anything else as joy was frowned upon) with Puritan families. While Caleb is writhing and then dies, the twins seemingly fake their own possessions, a probable Folie 'a Deaux, or shared madness by the intensity and fear surrounding their brothers supernatural death and Thomasin's backlash accusation of them being the witch in the woods. The father boar the three of them up with two goats and during the night, a woman (presumably one of the many witches of the movie) is seen eating the flesh of the two white goats much as Thomasin threatened to eat the flesh of the twins.
 What really seemed to irk people is that they never see the twins die or know what happened to them. In the morning, the father sees the goats dead and only Thomasin left before his own demise, but where are they? Well, the ending of the movie should tell you it isn't a far cry from what happened to baby Samuel in the beginning. The blood and fat of children was used as part Thomasin's initiation into the coven, burned and used as lubrication to vaginally consume hallucinogenic drugs through masturbation. The witch who ate the gut of the goats took the twins.
I found this fairly obvious.

And finally, Black Phillip. Thomasin is finally in a position where she will make the first real decision in her life, and have agency over her own body and mind. She could stay at the farm and starve, she could try to make it back to the community alive to be tried for murder or witchcraft, and in the off chance she was not tried for such, she could be married off and reproduce, or she could wait for whatever is in the woods to kill her, also. But there was another option, a desperate one, and Thomasin goes to the black goat and only other survivor of the family and commons that he speak to her. 
He does, and he offers her to "live deliciously, taste butter, wear a pretty dress, see the world." These offers are all over the place and rather seductive, because Black Phillip is Lucifer. The Christianized version of Lucifer is a man with goat horns, much like the god Pan, and many other pagan gods that came before Christianity. Pan particularly was fond of hedonism and living for the senses and worldly pleasures, orgies, etc. Things Thomasin has probably never even dreamed of, having started the movie as a faithful girl and, despite her faith losing everything and everyone around her as they used God as a way to demonize her. She signs, removes her shift, and off she goes to dance with the other witches. Black Phillip saw something in Thomasin from the beginning that he liked, and he got his way.

And not only does she join and dance with the various witches, she levitates with them, and her face changes into a smile - a highly sexual one as her twin siblings provide fuel for their fire and a means for their levitation or their "high."
Her siblings blood and fat with hallucinogenic drugs inserted into the vagina while she has some form of an orgasm in the air because this was her most freeing, and arguably safest option in order to stay alive - and no one found this movie terrifying? 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Why I Hate Disability Inspiration Porn

Inspiration porn - you know, disabled person does something mundane correctly or almost correctly, non disabled person was nice enough to notice and not be an ass about it. I run into a lot of it because I have Aspergers. Ah yes, a guy with Asperger's who also dances to cope with it was *given* a job - not even interviewed like a normal person - because his friend wanted to make his dream of being a barista come true.  I've got something to say to people who love these types of "feel-good" stories so much but I'll keep it brief.

Okay, cool, lucky guy, nice friend, I hope he's handling the bent-for-him-specifically-demands of that job. I'm actually happy for him.  He gets to stim on the job, it's what he's known for, and he even went on Ellen.  If I was magically hired as a barista I would be spilling coffee everywhere and taking forever at the register trying to understand numbers, pissing off customers, and giving them the wrong thing thanks to mild face-blindness. And my dancing would be frowned upon. Apparently you can perform poorly on the job as long as you have a kind manager friend who gets you on Ellen so you can talk about how you were handed a job, which is something the average person can get without much thought. "Look how kind I am."

That's not how things generally play out when you have a disability, and here we are talking about Asperger's, and try to get a job. Many of us don't have a friend who manages a Starbucks. Many of us don't have in-person friends at all. Those who do work tend to be constantly berated by bosses for not thinking or acting quite as expected. I got in trouble because it took me too long to read numbers on a cash register or on a card working at Hot Topic. I got in trouble for not "following directions" that were never clearly given to begin with. I got in trouble for not folding in even lines. The manager never stopped scolding me to "yell enthusiastically at the customers" but when I pointed out it scared the customers away, I was told to do it anyway. I talked to the customers too much, not enough, was given the least hours of anyone... That was before my diagnosis and one day I left work, went on vacation and never returned. 

I've heard people complain about disabled employees in the store (in the case I'm thinking, a deaf woman)  saying "disabled people shouldn't be allowed to work because it interrupts customer service." Yes, really. Often the same type of people who want to cut SSI benefits. We show up to inquire about jobs. If we don't hold eye contact long enough, if we do anything socially off-putting and we usually do - it's over. We aren't handed jobs with no interview and if we get hired and it's not in a field we are suited to, we mess up. A lot. So stop acting like one guy being handed a job - he's not an idiot, he could have been interviewed - is so sweet and inspirational because he has Asperger's. He isn't an invalid. A lot of people have Asperger's and  lately I've noticed no one is getting their I'm-a-good-person-kicks by giving me a job. What's with that?

If you think one person with Asperger's getting a job is Ellen-worthy and worth sharing thousands of times, maybe we need to examine why it's unique for someone with Asperger's to be ab;e to work and stim. 


Thursday, February 11, 2016

Your Aspie Murder Doesn't Matter Unless You're Trans

One week ago a human being with Asperger's Syndrome was murdered by police after calling for help because this person was suicidal. This person went viral a while back for having a meltdown on video showing their service dog comforting them and stopping the head-hitting that often accompanies any Autistic-Spectrum Meltdown. After learning about this sad news, I made a video which can be viewed on my youtube channel under the name DizzyDollie7. In this video, I refer to this Aspie as a woman, a she, a her, as the person was presented on much social media, the earliest news articles about the police-related death, and in the initial viral video. I did not know that Danielle Jacobs had decided to go by the name Kayden Clark and was a trans man. I was, you know, a little more concerned with discussing the unneeded, unwarranted murder of a fellow Aspie who had called for help. This pissed some people off and now the murder isn't about an Aspie having a meltdown, calling for help, and being shot in the stomach - it's about how sad it is we lost a trans man. 

Even though the murder is directly related to Clark's Asperger's Syndrome, and the law enforcement in apparently HIS town was familiar with him and the severity of his condition, news articles began pouring in about "Trans Man with Autism Shot By Police," and "Trans Man Murdered While Suicidal" and very little was actually said about the persons Asperger's Syndrome or the fact this person was murdered due to poor police training rather than the after thought of "oh yeah, this is the person from the video with the meltdown and the dog we all shared." Clark's life and death didn't matter a whole hell of a lot when all that was known was that the victim "had Asperger's and the police fired, killing them." Must have been a crazy loner psycho, so who cares?  But once people realized this was a trans man? WHAT a tragedy it became.
                                            requires quite a bit of contortion 

If I had known that Clark was no longer going by Danielle at the time of death, would my video have included the "proper pronouns?" Yes. I am supportive of trans people and have friends in the trans community. But I made this video before the news BECAME that a trans person was shot and killed while calling for help rather than that a person with Asperger's having a meltdown was murdered because of the symptoms of their Asperger's Syndrome. So instead of listening to my words about why this was wrong, what needs to be done, and that we need answers and better police training, people jumped on me and "had to cover their ears because I didn't use the proper pronouns." Really? A human being, an Aspie, was killed for being an Aspie and we're going to make it about the fact he was a trans man? And I'm the shit head for using, unknowingly, the birth gender rather than the preferred pronouns? 

Apparently our neurological, developmental (dis)abilities are meaningless to society, which is a huge point I make in the video. If we don't advocate for ourselves, no one will, and we will keep getting dragged to the trenches by people like Autism Speaks, people who say we don't "look Autistic," workplace bullies, and untrained law enforcement. Hate to break to to you but once you're dead, you're dead and no longer really have a gender. Those bits rot off pretty quick. Why does one marginalized group matter more than the other? One of which is a neuro-scientifically recognized syndrome, and one of which is defined by gender pronouns and while still discriminated against, irrelevant to the cause of this murder?
NT bandwagon alert. No one gave a damn about trans people when I was 12 and questioning my own mental gender because I couldn't relate to other girls. I did. But it's 2016 and remember, Aspies, if you get murdered, it doesn't matter unless you're trans.

view my terribly offensive video here

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Disabling All Over The Place - Asperger's

I have remained active in the Asperger's/Autism and mental illness community since only a few months before I received my official diagnosis less than a year after Asperger's became suspected. At that time, I completed almost three semesters of college with nothing to show for it except angry family and a doctoral thesis that has - four years later, now - yet to see the light of day. I thought with every ounce of my existence that my intelligence was enough to get me through college and eventually to a doctorate in psychology. I was, of course, very, very wrong, and getting my official Asperger's and ADHD plus discalculia diagnosis gained me no help in college. To this day I have something like 12 credits. When I received my diagnosis, I was also given the score of my very long IQ test, which only further made me think my intelligence was going to save me. I continued making videos on Asperger's, psychopathy, and psychology in general under the youtube name of DizzyDollie7, where others confirmed (though unneeded) that I am intelligent and would one day make a great psychologist. 

My videos grew a small following and I began this blog - most of my videos were highly impersonal and most have since been bought where they are displayed on, as are most of the entries on my blog. I was told I come off as a bit dry and sciency, but that's how my mind works, and that's how I preferred to write; if any future patients did research on me, they would only find out that I was always, indeed, good at what I do. I rarely even spoke about my published novel "Euthanasia" or the two sequels I had completed by age 19. Even after a year-long break from the college world, I remained confident that I writing was a side project and by age 24 I would be working under a psychologist while I furthered my education. I wrote articles while I was pregnant, diligently, after bombing out of college yet again. Only after being taken off that job and giving birth to my daughter did I begin to realize that writing and art (I paint and I draw) might actually be my best bet for survival thanks to the bureaucrats who allow education to be more about participation in silly games than about actual ability and intelligence. College had somehow become a competition to make friends with others and join clubs all while underneath bright fluorescent lighting while annoying young human beings yammer and yammer about things that make absolutely no sense.

After all, I had panic attacks in the classrooms and followed directions so literally that I often had to call professors of any online class I took to ask them what the hell they actually wanted. College simply was no more. And now I had a baby and she became my top priority.  I took care of her, and while she slept, I wrote my fourth novel and painted paintings which I began to sell.I also continued therapy, which I had been in for over a year, and my online presence became decidedly more personal. I stopped watching my language, and I got a little bit more candid, though it admittedly feels like acting at times. I was back on the anxiety medication that I had been on before my pregnancy, and was having a horrific time with the idea of being the least bit social outside of my tiny family and occasional interactions at the store (and of course, my internet friends.) Basically, whoever I could deal with and could deal with my newly emerging and openly gregarious hatred for the mere idea of human connection, while also somehow seeking it out. 

My doctor finally talked me into, by gently explaining to me that the exact reason college had not yet worked for me were the reasons getting a job would be absolutely reckless for everyone involved, especially with a new baby, that I am indeed disabled. A neuroscientist had deemed it so far before I called it quits with college, quietly smirking at my friends with Master's degrees who were equally unemployed (including, for a while, my very neurotypical husband who watches me disable all over the place daily.) I filed for disability, they pulled my records, and a few months later I was one of those people who gets money for being unable to work. Disabled. Or as some like to call it, "lazy bad person who leeches off the tax money of hardworking people who are actually funding more war than they are funding my existence." Honestly, you'd be supporting me more if you bought a book than by paying your godforsaken taxes. 

Note I say I had to be talked into applying for disability, despite how obviously disabled I am once you're in my daily life. That means there was a sense of shame involved. Trying to make a living off of books and art was like trying to climb out of a well, and I'm still trying, because like most people with a disability, I don't actually like being disabled. People ask me what I do, and I tell them - I write, I paint, I research, and I raise my child. Seeing as their parents did not take the time to raise them correctly, the proceed to prod about my income. No, writing isn't enough to live on. I'm not famous yet. No, disability isn't enough to live on. Everyone comes out of the woodwork with "My friends aunts cousin's fishes owner has Asperger's and he got a job at Burger King," and I have to remind them that not everyone is disabled by their Asperger's and that I'm certain that guy doesn't want to blow his brains out when he gets home everyday. 

And then there's the "you're so smart." Yes. I know. And I fully believe my intelligence is tied directly to my disability. You have google, I'm sure you can quickly find out that if I have Asperger's, I am a socially inept, rigid, anxious nerd who cannot handle noise or lights or people and my brain might be shaped like a colorful puzzle piece. I often feel like I need an assistant just to drive me around because I cannot deal with interstates and then I might get more done out there in the big world. But that isn't happening because disability services won't provide me with an assistant -  I asked. (Kidding, maybe.). I can't do math but I'm about 97% sure that my intelligence has gotten me into more trouble than it has actually improved upon my life. So, I've become more open about my interests from my own perspective rather than simply that of a textbook, and, save a slew of swearwords...the perspectives are almost exactly the same. And my disability and I are okay with that.

