Sunday, July 7, 2013

Aimless Thoughts

I had a good day and I am too full of words and art to go to sleep. Today I spent a lot of time alone, and then went to one of the churches I attend (I have 3) and we had a baptism in the river. I was happy about this due to my connection with that river. I smell like muddy water and Jesus.
Then I did my cleaning and other domestic nonsense.
I watched the new episode of Dexter and I must say they are doing a fabulous job with the psychology, although it's watered down for the laymen, and the new woman is like me when I'm a lot older. I mean really. Just look at my posts on psychopaths and you know I'm going to be an unorthodox therapist.

I don't feel too bad that I have physical injuries and did not fight back like I usually would have, because I know I am the more intelligent opponent and with patience, the most effective.

I tan very easily so if I by chance finish my workout early enough, I can lay out and get very dark. I'm already kind of dark. For someone with Last Unicorn hair.
Alongside my vanity is my health - with encephalitis, I should NOT be working out and doing the things I do. However, with the knowledge that I am now allergic to most food lends itself to my knowing I'm about to have a weight drop, and I want to speed it up. I'm buying diet pills soon.

I want to hide for a few weeks, that is how I feel. I want my injuries to heal and for my weight to fall off and to spend a long time spaced out, thinking, writing. Then I would emerge, prettier and with more understanding and therefore more confidence.
I always feel like I'm tipping over.
In ever sense.

This is such a pointless, aimless update. My apologies. I have someone talking about feet, someone talking about zombies, and I think my boyfriend is asleep so I've had enough of this.
Off to Wonderland.


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